
Start with a free plan and upgrade any time. No credit card required



Start using now, upgrade at anytime

Want to monitor your application or your website? It's a plan for you.

Create account
Errors/mo1,000 errors/mo
Websites1 website
Unlimited usersIncluded in Free
E-mail alertsIncluded in Free
E-mail supportIncluded in Free
Deployment supportNot included in Plain
Dedicated supportNot included in Free
Source code accessNot included in Free
Structural dataNot included in Free
Additional info1,000,000 records



Running in a cloud

Our standard plan is good for 10-100 million pageviews per month, depending on how many errors you generate, so is perfect for most production websites.

Create account, pay later
Errors/mo1,000,000 errors/mo
WebsitesUnlimited websites
Unlimited usersIncluded in Business
E-mail alertsIncluded in Business
E-mail supportIncluded in Business
Deployment supportIncluded in Superb
Dedicated supportIncluded in Business
Source code accessIncluded in Business
Structural data1,000,000 records
Additional infoNot included in Business

Self hosted

Start using now, upgrade at anytime

Want to monitor your application or your website? It's a plan for you.

Contact us
Errors/moUnlimited errors
WebsitesUnlimited websites
Unlimited usersIncluded in self hosted
E-mail alertsIncluded in self hosted
E-mail supportIncluded in self hosted
Deployment supportIncluded in Astronomic
Dedicated supportIncluded in Self hosted
Source code accessIncluded in Self hosted
Structural dataUnlimited
Additional infoRequires only 1 vCPU and 512 MB of RAM

For educational or open source projects is FREE

Muscula is free for open source, non commerical and educational use (cloud version only).
You can use Muscula on websites not owned by company, ie. educational sites (universities, schools, etc.). For more info please read Terms of Service or contact us.